Written by: Bryce Blackford
Lay Elder at Local Church
Missionary to North America and Western Europe
1 Samuel 30:6 (ESV)
…But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.
This verse is such a powerful reminder of the source of our strength. In fact, as you read through 1 Samuel 30, the context for David finding strength in the Lord is the bright spot in a very dark chapter. Here is a quick summary of all the worries and concerns that David carries into this statement from verse 6: a city has been burned to the ground by an enemy nation, the Israelites’ women and children have been taken captive, David’s wives have been taken captive, and the mourning people now want to stone David. Yet David does not lash out in anger at the people, nor does he seek vengeance in his own strength. No, David’s first response in time of despair is to seek the Lord.
You may think that the circumstances of your life are too overwhelming or too daunting for you to bear. You may think that the ministry or mission field to which the Lord has called you is a barren land with no hope. Or maybe you have recently received an unfavorable diagnosis or are dealing with relational struggles. The question we often ask ourselves in times of discouragement and despair is “where is my help?” Psalm 121:2 answers that question with the assurance that our “help comes from the Lord” and He is the Lord who made heaven and earth, who never sleeps, who keeps our lives, etc.
Ultimately, the Lord is our help and strength because when we were at our weakest, He was at His best. When we were dead in our trespasses and sins, He graciously sent Jesus to make us alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:5). Now, since we are united with Christ and indwelled with the Holy Spirit, we can cling to the Lord as our strength knowing that His grace is sufficient for us and His power is made perfect in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). If you need any more encouragement, I recommend you read some of the Psalms where the psalmist relies on our mighty God even in times of difficulty. My recommendations are Psalm 18, 61, 113, and 121.
Almighty Father, when I feel weak and overwhelmed, help me turn to You as my source of strength and hope. Remind me of all the ways You have shown Your power in my life and may I find rest in Your sufficient grace.
Thanks for such an encouraging devotion.
Dear Bryce,
Thank you for this devotional. It is a solid, Word-based reminder that we will always have outstanding results if God Almighty is the source of our strength. It is easy for one to rely on their own strength. While our situation may work out without God’s invitation to help, it is always the second best outcome.